K2C Word di PDF Converter

PDF Digital Signature for SharePoint

add one or more digital signature to a pdf using SharePoint workflows

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dSignature solution allows to add one or multiple digital signatures to a PDF stored in a SharePoint library, simply by configuring the appropriate action in a SharePoint Designer or a Nintex workflow. The action adds a digital signature using one or more certificate that can be self-generated using your own server or purchased by a third party Certified Authority.

The certificate to be used is PKCS#12 certificate (extension “.pfx”): this type of certificate is encrypted with a private and a public key according to recognised standard that makes it safe and compliant with a wide range of regulation requirements.

The digital signature cannot be altered, and it represents a strong proof of user identity. The signature is safely saved as a part of the signed PDF document, that cannot be modified unless making the signature “not valid”.

Example of dSignature together with other solutions of K2C Compliance Suite


—> electronic signatures are added by a workflow, and these are sufficient to approve a document being compliant with those regulations that are only requiring that signed documents are maintained into the organization, and available on request for the inspection of agency auditors


—> a pdf copy is created, because of common need of distributing the approved document with a stronger file format that cannot be easily manipulated or changed  


—> digital signature are automatically added to the PDF document by the workflow as replication of original electronic signature, that are more safely embedded into the pdf file and more easily recognizable as “valid” by third parties. 


K2C dSignature and other solutions included in K2C Compliance Suite for SharePoint can be used to comply with a variety of current regulations, including the US CFR21 part 11 and European Annex 11. Read our free White Paper for SharePoint compliance with 21 CFR part 11.